Lifestyle of Introverts: A brief guide for quick understanding

The life of an introvert is not an easy life to live. Being one, I often want out of this lifestyle, but since this is who I am, I’m learning to embrace it. Introverts tend to be very misunderstood by those who are not familiar with the term so here’s a better understanding.

Let me share my experience as an introvert- when I was a child I didn’t talk much to new people. I was always off to the side somewhere, playing with my own toys and doing my own thing. My teachers took it as a sign of quietness and sincerity. After some time my parents noticed my silence, they taught me to be open to new people.

Some people define the term introvert as, “a reserved or shy person”, but I’m personally not a fan of that definition. Although that can be very true, it’s much broader. Not all introverts are shy. IntrovertSpring defines it as, “a person who gains energy from being alone and loses energy in stimulating environments, such as social events.”

Although I am quiet, once I get comfortable, it’s a whole another story. I can be the most talkative, outgoing person while in my ideal environment. Only the family members and close friends of an introvert could know their nature.

Some key characteristics that will support an introvert’s lifestyle…

• Accepting Oneself

• Showing Up

• Believing that you are enough

We, introverts, overthink a lot because of how sensitive we are. We’re constantly trying to understand the deeper meaning of everything that is said or done around us. We don’t like forcing interactions. If it doesn’t flow easily, then it’s not genuine. If you really want to engage with us, come to us with something on a deeper level. Give us a reason to really want to talk to you.

We manage quite well and we aren’t much different from you, we just need to be treated a little differently. It all starts with an understanding.

(Image Source: IntrovertSpring)

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